In Case You Missed It- Google Talks Web Performance

In a post entitled, “Let’s Make the Web Faster,” Google launches wholeheartedly into the dialog about web performance. They’ve already offered up Page Speed, which is a welome addition to the page performane toolbox, but starting a high profile dialog helps people like me in a big way. Personally, I would love to find a […]

Why Front End Performance Matters to Everyone, Not Just the High Traffic Giants

Yeah, Even to You. 🙂 I suspect it’s because the people that are most vocal about the subject are from places like Google and Yahoo!, but it seems to me that a lot of people think that front end performance really only matters for extremely high traffic sites. When talking about these kind of things […]

Two Easy Ways to Get Set Up With Amazon’s CloudFront

It made quite a splash recently so I’m sure some of you are curious about Amazon’s new Content Delivery Network (CDN) service, CloudFront. I know the Amazon Web Services suite of tools can be a little intimidating for non-developers, so this article outline how pretty much any reasonably technical person can get themselves up and […]

Code I Like – Link Prefetching

I was reading John Resig’s Browser Page Load Performance post earlier today and followed up from there on the concept of Link prefetching. Currently supported by Firefox 2+, Link prefetching is a browser based mechanism for fetching “future” content. Considering I wrote (and ultimately scrapped*) similar functionality for my gallery pages, I was obviously intrigued.