I Love You, border-radius. You Too, box-shadow. No, I Didn’t Forget About You, rgba Color!

As I’ve mentioned I’m doing a couple of HTML5 implementations and in one of them I was faced with some “post” boxes in a WordPress theme that featured both rounded corners and a drop shadow. Since I’m using already using Modernizr, which exposes specific CSS3/HTML5 feature support on the HTML element, I figured I’d do […]

HTML5 With Modernizr… Come on in! The Water’s Fine.

Things are afoot. I’m building out the redesign of Drunkenfist.com, and we’re working on an internal redesign at work. I’ve been toying with the idea of using the new HTML5 semantic elements for both and to that end I took some time to evaluate Modernizr, the small JS library that programatically exposes HTML5/CSS3 feature support […]

HTML5 Demo: Tracking Video Progress With Google Analytics

There’s a back story to this one. I once failed to get video progress tracking working with a Flash video player and Big Expensive Analytics Company™ code. It was a real pain in the ass. We missed the deadline, wasted about 8 hours and eventually just dropped the feature. A frustrating experience for all involved. […]

HTML5 Notes: My First Time Using the Canvas Element

Quick verdict? It’s fun. The long verdict (albeit one not base on the work I did here?) The accessibility concerns are valid and will need to be addressed before we end up with a replay of Flash circa 2000. And no one wants that. Anyway, the example I did do for the demo is actually […]