HTML 5 Notes: The Video Element Rocks

Now if we could just get everyone to support it.

I’m seriously in love. I can’t answer about Ogg, because I know jack squat about video (I’m confused by compression, encoding, containers, etc. and aim to keep it that way) but I’ve implemented dozens of Flash video players in HTML using a variety of methods and the very idea of skipping a plug-in and foreign interface makes my heart leap with glee.

No more swfobject. No more libraries of any sort. No more ExternalInterface calls from within flash. Just HTML element to HTML element and DOM to DOM.

Hell yes.

Here’s a sample (will only work in FF 3.5*)

And here’s the code

<video src="/samples/html5/_assets/video/sample.ogv" controls >

your browser does not support the video tag

Are you kidding me? That’s tasty in its simplicity like Woodman’s Fisherman’s Platter is tasty in its greasy goodness. And people are complaining about HTML 5? Really? I approve of the whole spec based just on that code alone. I’ve been doing this for a long time and I still can’t embed a movie player of any type by hand. object, embed, classId, param, what? Video? I get that. It’s like img. It’s got a src. Hallelujah.

*I think. Opera maybe? Not Safari, because Safari must equal Quicktime. And no one wants that.

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