Check Out My Upcoming Webcast, Navigating the Uncertain Web

Hey! I’m doing a webcast on November 11, 2014 at 10 AM Pacific.* It’s called Navigating the Uncertain Web and you should check it out since it will be ridiculously great and it’s free.

Here’s what I had to say about it.

The modern web is a wild place. The proliferation of new browsers, new devices, new input models and new additions to the web platform have combined to create an environment full of uncertainty. It’s never been more difficult to create widely compatible sites. This webcast will show you how to approach compatibility in a nimble way and will help you to solve problems confidently when you’re faced with the web’s uncertainty.

If you’re interested in my book, The Uncertain Web, then this webcast will be right up your alley.

Speaking of the book, I’m finally going to be done with the first draft this week and will be working on getting it ready for production throughout September. It’s been an epic journey getting to this point so I’m ecstatic to see the finish line approaching.

* 6pm – London | 1pm – New York | Wed, Oct 8th at 4am – Sydney | Wed, Oct 8th at 2am – Tokyo | Wed, Oct 8th at 1am – Beijing | 10:30pm – Mumbai

I’m Going to be Presenting at jQuery Conference. It’s in San Diego. You Should Go, Too.

It was announced last week, so I can now share the fact that I’m going to presenting on Data Visualization in the Browser at jQuery Conference in February. Because it’s a new year and because the presentation time is so tight (30 minutes!) I’m going to redo the existing dataviz presentation I’ve been giving entirely. I’ve got a new branch and everything.

I’m thinking of using World Bank data. At minimum, I’ll be doing something interesting and meaningful and, at best, I might end up on the World Bank data visualization tumblr.

I’m also super happy to be going to San Diego in February.

Late Notice: I’m Presenting on Canvas Tomorrow at HTML5 Boston

I tweeted about it but I never added it my public calendar and… never posted about it here. Anyway, I’m going to present on canvas tomorrow night at HTML5 Boston. It will be great.

It’s also at the Arsenal complex (at Harvard Business Review), which means I’ll be having Isobar flashbacks. It also means I’ll be running the western end of the Charles River for the first time in a while. Super fun.

Here are the slides.

I’m Presenting on Data Visualization at the Boston Front End Developers Meetup May 22

Since Pascal already sent out the email, you heard it here second. I’m doing my Data Visualization presentation at the Boston Front End Developers on May 22nd. As of this writing (on a Sunday morning) almost 80 spots are filled. At this pace they won’t stay open for long so sign up and watch me enthuse about SVG, Canvas and a special surprise guest technology.

Hope to see you there (and then at Trade afterwards.)

My Slides from HTML5DevConf, Now with 100% More Browsing (and Photos)

let's do this

My slides from HTML5DevConf are now up for viewing on Github pages, so you don’t even need to type node web-server.js to view them. There’s one hitch where svgz files aren’t rendering, but I’m not going to worry about that right now. If, in the interim, you really want to see that image, you can grab it from the repo.

There should be video at some point in the future. When there is, I will be sure to let you all know.

I’m also going to be giving this talk at the Boston Front End Developers meetup in May. I’ll be sure to share that as well, once the meetup announcement is online.

I presented in twin peaks

ready to go