HTML5 Boilerplate v7.1 Released

Hot on the heels of our last major release, we just released a new minor version of HTML5 Boilerplate, v7.1.0. The biggest changes in this release are an upgraded version of Modernizr (which is on a steady release schedule again) and an update to the Google Analytics snippet/docs. Here are the full release notes: Update […]

HTML5 Boilerplate v7 released

After a few months of starts and stops while I wrestled my SVG book into submission and released main.css as a standalone project, I’m pleased to announce that HTML5 Boilerplate v7 was released on Friday February 8, 2019. The biggest change is the way that we include the aforementioned main.css. Since it’s now a standalone […]

Google Chrome Reverses Course- Will Implement Pointer Events

This is great news. One of the worst chapters from a standards perspective in The Uncertain Web was on user input. At the time I wrote the chapter, I had a relatively positive tone. The flow of the chapter led to a discussion of Pointer Events and how, with support in IE and intended implementation […]

Introducing My New Book: The Uncertain Web

Hey everybody, I’ve got a new book coming out. It’s called The Uncertain Web and it’s being published by O’Reilly. Right now we’re targeting a November release. Just in time for Christmas. Buy a dozen and hand them out like candy canes. If that seems like too long to wait, never fear. I’m about 50% […]

My Slides from HTML5DevConf, Now with 100% More Browsing (and Photos)

My slides from HTML5DevConf are now up for viewing on Github pages, so you don’t even need to type node web-server.js to view them. There’s one hitch where svgz files aren’t rendering, but I’m not going to worry about that right now. If, in the interim, you really want to see that image, you can […]