Professional jQuery

The Amazon page is updated with my name (even if the cover is still listing just the single author), so it’s as good a time as any to officially announce Professional jQuery, a book I co-authored for WROX over the past few months. The project fell into my lap during a period in which I […]

Using the Geolocation API

The following is probably the last long-form article you’ll see here for a while. I’m in full on book mode for the next couple of months, so I’m not expecting to be writing a ton here for the foreseeable future. Anyway, the following is actually inspired by the kind of work we’re going to be […]

My Latest IBM Article is Live: “An introduction to Ajax”

An introduction to Ajax. Get a technical introduction to Ajax programming, and discover the core JavaScript code and popular library implementations. This article presents a brief history of the technology, then outlines the technical basics of Ajax interactions using core JavaScript coding as well as three popular JavaScript libraries.

My Latest developerWorks Article is Live: ECMA-262, 5th Edition

ECMA-262, 5th Edition. The standard published under the dry title ECMA-262, 5th Edition hereafter referred to as ES5, is the latest version of the ECMAScript specification. ECMAScript is the standard upon which JavaScript—the single most important language on the web today—is built. Because the language also serves as the basis for Adobe ActionScript in addition […]