Great New Google Webmaster Tools Feature – “Site Performance”

You use Webmaster Tools, right? If you rely on Google traffic in any way shape or form you really should be using it.

It’s an invaluable service and it just got better with the addition of a new, performance specific feature. From the Google Webmaster Central blog:
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Want to Test Your Site Without a Mouse For Accessibility’s Sake? These Keyboard Shortcuts Will Help

Once thing that’s vital to testing the accessibility of a web app or site is running through it without using a mouse. If you can successfully work a site or app without touching the mouse, you’ve gone a long way towards ensuring that your site is available to a wide range of people and devices.

One thing that’s difficult about that process is most of us rely far too much on the mouse when browsing. Which is where these lists of keyboard shortcuts for Firefox, and Internet Explorer come in handy.
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Google’s Sitelinks vs. Bing’s Deep Links + D-Card

For some searches on both Bing and Google, the top result is enhanced with additional data. For simplicities’ sake (and because I’m selfish) I’m going to focus on one search for my personal site to compare the two.

Google’s result for my site looks like this:
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Playing Around With Twitter Lists

And I made a web/tech one that might be of interest.

I’m not sure how useful the lists actually are, but it felt like it was worth a shot if just to make sense of my own following list. Feel free to shout out interesting people I missed in the comments. Most of the people on the list are folks I follow, but I’d be happy to add new folks if they’re interesting- and I know there are plenty of people out that that are interesting that I don’t follow 🙂 I’m especially interested in CSS/HTML/JavaScript/Web Performance types, but I’m down for any web technologies.

Netscape’s Javascript Documentation From 1999 (document.layers!)

Don’t ask why I’m poking around the wayback machine (that would spoil the surprise,) but if you’ve been around as long as I have and want to reminisce, or never got to experience Web 1.0 as a developer and want to see what all the complaints are about, you should really take a look at Netscape’s JavaScript documentation from 1999.

Here’s one that will confuse the hell out of anyone who started doing this after maybe 2003:
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