HTML 5 Notes: In Case a Client Asks… No Full Screen Video

I’m going to be posting a series of notes on the production of my first HTML 5 demo page. I’m doing a presentation on it at work (to be shared here, of course) and I want to capture my thoughts as I have them in the process of producing some fully formed HTML5 content.

One of the things I’m looking at with interest is the new Video element. Anything that simplifies embedding video on a web page gets a thumbs up in my book.
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JavaScript Perfromance Tip- Don’t Test Against obj.length. Test Against a Local Variable.

I saw it yesterday in some code I was debugging and I realized I’ve become hyper sensitive to this common pattern:

var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
if (anchors.length > 0){
    for (var i=0; i < anchors.length; i++) {
        addEvent( anchors[i], 'click',  trackLinks );

Why am I sensitive to it? Well, what are some of the things we know about JavaScript performance?
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An Update on My URL Shortener

The difference in speed between my day job and the after hours hacking I do is sometimes mind-boggling. My day job is a typical “day job”. Anything of note takes time to happen. I’m cool with that.

I’m also cool with what happens at home. Where I can get an idea, hit Google for some quick research and get on with the business of making it happen.

Case in point, I registered yesterdaybefore I even googled “php based URL shortener”– and about 30 hours later (only about 2 of which was actual coding- tweaking the easy-to-use phurl script) I’m sitting here with my own personal URL shortening service.
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Setting Up My Own URL Shortening Service

As I recently mentioned (on Twitter, does that really count?), I’m not a fan of URL shortening services. I don’t like the idea of trusting the value of links pointing to my sites to a third party. Especially since the URL shortening space itself is so sketchy. With that in mind, it was with interest that I read about the “shortlink” relation. It’s basically a scheme set up to instruct browsers and applications on the proper “short” URL to use for a document. There’s actually a competing, but similar “shorturl” specification floating around out there as well.

Whichever one wins, I approve of the concept. I want to own my own short URLs. I don’t want any Digg bars framing my site, or sneaky, link-juice stealing redirection schemes.
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