Recent Reading (30 Style Tags?, YUI 3, GodMode, Git, Jira)

Once again rounding up some of the articles I’ve read over the past couple of weeks.

All style tags after the first 30 style tags on an HTML page are not applied in Internet Explorer
I wasn’t surprised to see this came up as an issue in the Drupal community. During my short time working with Drupal, I was horrified by the number of style sheets/JavaScript files included in the page. I don’t think we ever got to 30, but 10-15 was scary enough. Apparently, there’s a “performance” mode which clears that up, but I never made it that far…

Inheritance Patterns in YUI 3
I’m really interested in getting to know YUI3 and inheritance patterns in JavaScript are interesting to me in any form, so this article by Stoyan Stefanov was a must read.

Understanding Windows 7’s ‘GodMode’
Do I have my GodMode link on my desktop? Yes I do. Super neat.

Git – SVN Crash Course
Git is all over the place these days. I now know just enough to cause trouble.

Installing JIRA Standalone on Unix or Linux
You know about Atlassian’s incredible $10 Starter deal on their software? You don’t? Oh snap, go check it out. We use Jira for bug tracking here (among a host of other Atlassian products) at Cramer* and I’m an official fan. Now, thanks to Atlassian’s great deal I’m running my own copy. For now I’m just using it for my own development (I’m still trying to get relaunched- managing 3000+ pages can create a few issues), but if I ever freelance in a big way I’ll be able to use Jira to manage feedback from Clients. Sweet.

JavaScript and screen readers
I think I’ve pointed it out before, but here’s a blurb I thought more people should read.

Jaws and Window Eyes both alert the user when an item on the page is clickable, with one major exception: as all good JavaScript developers know, there are two models for attaching events to HTML elements. There is the traditional model ( or element.onclick = someFunction;) and the advanced model (element.addEventListener(…); or element.attachEvent(…); depending on which browser you are coding for).

Of course, it shouldn’t matter which model is used, right? Wrong. For some reason, both Jaws and Window Eyes will not tell the user that an item is clickable if the click event was registered via the advanced registration model.

Sucks to be a modern web developer, doesn’t it?

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