File Under Cool Tools: Record Page Load Video With WebPageTest

As you could probably guess since Performance is one of the six site categories around here, I’m a fan of WebPageTest. You can imagine my reaction to the news that page load videos are now available from the service. From Recording video with WebPagetest: One of the things we like to look at is what […]

Even Faster Web Sites (Review)

I finally finished reading Even Faster Web Sites. It’s good, but in terms of things for my day to day, it’s kind of a mixed bag. In some ways (specifically in the areas of JavaScript efficiency, image compression and CSS selectors) it’s more practical than High Performance Web Sites and in others I had a […]

Webinar: Increase the Performance of Your Website With Amazon CloudFront

This may be of interest to some of you: In this webinar, you will learn how Amazon CloudFront can improve the performance of your website and cost you less than a traditional content delivery service (CDN). Amazon CloudFront is an easy to use, high performance content delivery service that lets you quickly and cost-effectively deliver […]

I Don’t Care About Developers. I Care About Users.

Okay, okay… I’m guilty. The title is provocative and slightly misleading. I do care about developers. Developers are my people and I want nothing but the best for them. That said, when I’m sitting down planning a site, application or component, my first thought isn’t about making things easier for developers. It’s about making things […]