getElementsByTagName Namespace Prefix Strangeness in Safari/Chrome/WebKit

Is It Me or the Browser?

I had a Safari bug on a project I’m rushing to get out the door. We’re using a Flickr feed to populate a div with link+thumbnail to some flickr images. In Firefox/Internet Explorer I simply did the following to build the links:

flickr : function(obj) {
//get the full list of items var items = obj.getElementsByTagName("item");
//make sure it's not empty if (items.length > 0 ) {
//start the HTML block var blob = "<div id='flickrFeed'>";
//loop through the items (we only want 5) and build some links) for (var i = 0; i< 5 ; i++) {
//get the link var flink = items[i].getElementsByTagName("link")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
//get the thumbnail var flurl = items[i].getElementsByTagName("media:thumbnail")[0].getAttribute("url");
//smash them into the string blob+="<a href='"+flink+"'><img height='75' width='75' src='"+flurl+"' /></a>";
//close the div blob+="</div>";
//pop it onto the shelf, for later use $("hyperspace").innerHTML+=blob;
} else {
//if there's somethign wrong with the feed, go to default contentk;

For some reason the var flurl = items[i].getElementsByTagName("media:thumbnail")[0].getAttribute("url"); line failed in Safari. In fact, items[i].getElementsByTagName("media:thumbnail").length returned 0.

In the name of time, I put together this beast:

flickr : function(obj) {
var items = obj.getElementsByTagName("item");
if (items.length > 0 ) {
var blob = "<div id='flickrFeed'>";
for (var i = 0; i< 5 ; i++) {
var flink = items[i].getElementsByTagName("link")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
//Does it return 0? if (items[i].getElementsByTagName("media:thumbnail").length == 0) {
//if so, we use this hand rolled getElementsByTagName (and weep about it) var test= items[i].childNodes.length; for (var j=0; j <test; j ++ ) {
if (items[i].childNodes[j].nodeName == "media:thumbnail") {
var flurl = items[i].childNodes[j].getAttribute("url")
} else {
var flurl = items[i].getElementsByTagName("media:thumbnail")[0].getAttribute("url");
blob+="<a href='"+flink+"'><img height='75' width='75' src='"+flurl+"' /></a>";
} else {;

The question is- am I missing something simple that I could have done to fix it without the hand rolled getElementsByTagName? Or is there a bug in Webkit’s implementation of getElementsByTagName that chokes on the namespace prefix? A quick Google search looks at first looks promising, but doesn’t seem to hit this specific problem. Which seems impossible.

Anyone have any insight?

[Edited to Add…]
Since I sometimes can’t let these things go, I did some further research. It seems like getElementsByTagNameNS seems to be the standard way to go. Which means I have another rewrite to do.

Which would be annoying if I didn’t love this stuff. I’ll report on that tomorrow.

5 thoughts on “getElementsByTagName Namespace Prefix Strangeness in Safari/Chrome/WebKit

  1. I believe getElementsByTagNameNS isn’t supported by IE so you might need to have some browser detection to use getElementsByTagNameNS with Safari 🙁

  2. Had the same exact problem as above and it was driving me ‘crazy’ – I am using google’s feed API for an rss feed and chrome wasn’t supporting media:thumbnail in getElementsByTagName method. So Thank you Russell for you’re wisdom and I’m using getElementsByTagNameNS(“*”,”thumbnail”); and using getElementsByTagName for IE with some browser sniffing thanks again for this post

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