How To Make a Web Site the Modern Way. Part 5: The Body – How To Structure Your Markup

Five posts in and finally we get to the heart of the matter- getting your content onto the page for your users to enjoy. This will be done in two parts. This, the first part, will deal with how to structure your HTML so it makes sense from and organizational standpoint and so that you can easily style it with CSS. Let’s look at a stripped down example of what I’m talking about.

Continue reading “How To Make a Web Site the Modern Way. Part 5: The Body – How To Structure Your Markup” Redesign Launched. More HTML5 Goodness.

I launched the redesign of last night. It’s my second HTML5 site. I took a lot of what I learned from the work we did on A Wider Net and applied it to a much larger project. Fun times.

A couple of notes.
Continue reading “ Redesign Launched. More HTML5 Goodness.”

How To Make a Web Site the Modern Way. Part 4: The Body

The body is clearly going to take a while, since it contains all of the content on the page. I’ll be breaking it out into chunks. This first post will focus on how I use the body tag itself.

I generally use the body tag to hold basic information about the page to use with both CSS and JavaScript. I want to capture the general type of page (home pages, landing page, gallery page, tertiary page, form page) and then the style of the page within the general type (e.g., art, movies, blog.) Coming up with a good, logical scheme for this kind of thing can generate plenty of unexpected benefits throughout a site build.

It can also help with planning as these classifications can be used as part of the estimation process- “I’ve got 5 major templates and 10 variations, that’ll be 2 weeks of work.”

Here are some examples from the ongoing redesign of These might help to crystallize what I’m trying to do.
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How To Make a Web Site the Modern Way. Part 3: A Quick Aside on Organizing Files

This won’t be the longest entry in this series, but I did want to take a second to outline the way I organize files. You can come up with your own scheme. There are many. This one works for me, so I use it. The basic idea is to keep everything in a logical, easy to find place every time I make a site.

Let’s take a quick look at the generic file structure I use:

Grab a copy from the starter assets repository if you’d like to play along at home.

Let’s look at each in turn:
Continue reading “How To Make a Web Site the Modern Way. Part 3: A Quick Aside on Organizing Files”

I’m on TV. WordPress.TV That Is.

You’ve all seen this, but now here it is from the official channel.

Speaking of WordPress and HTML5, I’m knee deep in the process of getting relaunched and I’ve been doing the WordPress component for the past few days. It’s super complicated. Which means, of course, I’m having a blast with it 🙂