How To Make a Web Site the Modern Way. Part 14: Formatting, Shorthand, Resets and Organization

We continue with our examination of CSS with some real basics- formatting, writing rules, organization and the like. Nothing groundbreaking, but the basics are important in any endeavor, so here they are. Formatting During development I format my CSS with selectors on one line and then each property on its own line. The declarations are […]

How To Make a Web Site the Modern Way. Part 13: The Cascade/CSS Specificity

One of the most important things in CSS is understanding the way rules are inherited and applied in the browser. This is one of those things that many developers “get” intuitively but don’t necessarily understand at a granular level. There’s actually an algorithm, so if you’re stumped, you can actually count it out. It works […]

How To Make a Web Site the Modern Way. Part 12: Cascading Style Sheets

After a long break, I’m finally back with the long-awaited CSS portion of this little series. In this article I’ll go over some core concepts. Next post I’ll outline one poorly understood, but vital part of CSS. More posts full (yes, full) of tips, tricks and best practices will follow. Core concepts CSS is a […]

How To Make a Web Site the Modern Way. Part 11: The New HTML5 Elements

I promised one last post on HTML elements. This is it. This one will be a quick tour through some of the new semantic HTML5 elements. I’ve been using them regularly for a while now and I’m still trying to wrap my head around the best way to use some of them (in this, I’m […]

How To Make a Web Site the Modern Way. Part 10: Forms

Forms. Forms are boring. 75% of all work you do with forms is exactly like all the rest of the work you do with forms. BO-RING. But, they’re the gateway to making real money on the web, so they’re kind of important. Hopefully, after today you’ll know all about forms and will love them. Let’s […]