I, For One, Welcome Our New CSS3 Overlords. As Long As They Bring box-sizing With Them.

I’ve always preferred the “IE Box model.” I’ve always wanted width to actually be the width of the element. Instead, I’ve been forced, for years, to break out my math skills to calculate “actual” value of the width property by subtracting padding, margin and borders. That still seems broken to me after all these years.

I’m not alone in this. Here are some big shots sharing their thoughts on the matter:
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Google Chrome Frame- I’ll Be Taking Advantage Of It

I did some testing today with Google Chrome Frame. I wanted to see if it would mesh with my normal methods for serving IE specific code and, as far as I can tell, it behaves exactly as desired.

Here’s the code I used to test
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I’m Finally Building a WebOs App

I’ve been really itching to get started on something with WebOS. In general I’m dying to do something complicated with JavaScript and the announcement of the Pixi and the Nokia rumors have kept WebOs on my mind, so this news really got my attention:

Ben Galbraith and Dion Almaer to lead Developer Relations team at Palm
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I Love You, border-radius. You Too, box-shadow. No, I Didn’t Forget About You, rgba Color!

As I’ve mentioned I’m doing a couple of HTML5 implementations and in one of them I was faced with some “post” boxes in a WordPress theme that featured both rounded corners and a drop shadow. Since I’m using already using Modernizr, which exposes specific CSS3/HTML5 feature support on the HTML element, I figured I’d do a little bit of extra work and use some CSS3 magic to make the design happen in modern browsers. For this post I’ll skip the extra work bit (a little JavaScript to insert extra markup in for Internet Explorer/Opera) and just look at the implementation for fancy new browsers (Firefox 3.5 and the latest/greatest Webkit based browsers.)

First, let’s look at it in action (this will suck in IE/Opera)
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HTML5 With Modernizr… Come on in! The Water’s Fine.

Things are afoot. I’m building out the redesign of Drunkenfist.com, and we’re working on an internal redesign at work. I’ve been toying with the idea of using the new HTML5 semantic elements for both and to that end I took some time to evaluate Modernizr, the small JS library that programatically exposes HTML5/CSS3 feature support (via classes on the HTML element) and “fixes” IE’s style support for some of the newer semantic elements.
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