Recent Reading (JavaScript Library CDNs, User-Agent Strings, Hacks, Hacks and Hacks)

Should You Use JavaScript Library CDNs? Interesting reading. Here’s the salient bit: Or, more simply: If we use Google’s JavaScript Library CDN, we are asking the majority of our website visitors (who don’t have jQuery already cached) to take a 1/3 of a second penalty (the time to connection to Google’s CDN) to potentially save […]

Rethinking the “How To Serve IE-Specific CSS” Question

This is my old pattern: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en-US"> <title>Internet Exploder</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/_assets/styles/styles.css" /> <!–[if gte IE 5.5]> <![if lt IE 7]> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/_assets/styles/ie6.css" /> <![endif]> <![if IE 7]> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/_assets/styles/ie7.css" /> <![endif]> <![if gt IE 7]> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/_assets/styles/ie8.css" /> <![endif]> <![endif]–> </head> <body id="home"> Simple. It serves a new style […]

Microsoft’s CSS Filters, Could The Syntax Be Any Uglier?

The answer is no 🙂 While some of the functionality of MS’s CSS filters is actually pretty useful (sue me, I need to use them from time to time), the implementation is ugly as hell. Ryan, one of the smart guys here that helps me fool people into thinking I know what I’m doing, had […]

What I Read This Week (jQuery’s live(), algorithms, IE8 + VPN, Chrome )

These are the posts that have kept me engaged during my quiet moments this week. Demystifying jQuery .live() and why it’s generally faster than .bind() A short article looking at jQuery’s .live(). List of Algorithms Just what it says it is- a big-ass list of algorithms. I wish more had source code. Using a VPN […]

Want to Test Your Site Without a Mouse For Accessibility’s Sake? These Keyboard Shortcuts Will Help

Once thing that’s vital to testing the accessibility of a web app or site is running through it without using a mouse. If you can successfully work a site or app without touching the mouse, you’ve gone a long way towards ensuring that your site is available to a wide range of people and devices. […]