How To Make a Web Site the Modern Way. Part 9: Tag (and Attribute) Soup

In case you were wondering, I’ve got two more posts after this one and then I’m moving onto CSS and JavaScript. I’ve got a post on forms (which I’ve been avoiding because forms feel like work) and then a post on the new HTML5 elements and then that’s it. Writing about CSS and JavaScript will […]

Sometimes, Dreamweaver Surprises Me- Great Accessibility Enhancement

I use Dreamweaver. I have since version 1.0. I’m a fan. That said, as you would imagine, I very rarely use the WYSIWYG features. I mostly use the text editor and the site management features (including Subweaver, a handy SVN inetgration.) Occasionally, however, I do open it in WYSIWG mode and very often I’m surprised […]