I’m on TV. WordPress.TV That Is.

You’ve all seen this, but now here it is from the official channel. https://videopress.com/v/wp-content/plugins/video/flvplayer.swf?ver=1.16 Speaking of WordPress and HTML5, I’m knee deep in the process of getting DrunkenFist.com relaunched and I’ve been doing the WordPress component for the past few days. It’s super complicated. Which means, of course, I’m having a blast with it 🙂

Starter Assets

I just wanted to point folks to the small project I started on Google code- Starter Assets. It’s based on some work I did at Cramer to standardize the development process there. The idea was to provide a standard set of files and a standard file/folder structure for people to start with whenever they were […]

Video of My HTML5 + WordPress Presentation From WordCamp Boston

And here it is: Slides. Just in time for me to do it all over again tonight at the Boston JavaScript Meetup. Well, not completely all over again as it’s a new presentation tonight, but it’ll still be two times at NERD this week.

HTML5 + WordPress Resource Links From my WordCamp Boston Presentation

Owing to the contrast on the A/V system, my last slide was illegible, so here are all the links that folks couldn’t see. The presentation itself: HTML5 + WordPress And the resource links: The working group http://www.whatwg.org/ Mark Pilgrim’s HTML5 book Dive into HTML5 The Modernizr library Modernizr The outliner http://gsnedders.html5.org/outliner/ The post talking about […]

I’m Messing Around With an HTML5 Version of the Default WordPress Theme

WordCamp Boston is less than a week away, and as part of my presentation I wanted to show the new elements in an environment that basically everyone that works on WordPress sites will recognize- the default theme. To that end, I mocked up a functioning HTML5ized version of the home page to use as an […]