Late Notice: I’m Presenting on Canvas Tomorrow at HTML5 Boston

I tweeted about it but I never added it my public calendar and… never posted about it here. Anyway, I’m going to present on canvas tomorrow night at HTML5 Boston. It will be great. It’s also at the Arsenal complex (at Harvard Business Review), which means I’ll be having Isobar flashbacks. It also means I’ll […]

Easy Autocomplete with the datalist Element, the list Attribute and AngularJS’s ng-repeat Directive

Continuing to write about some Angular features I’ve been working with recently, I thought it would be interesting to show off one of the little conveniences I was able to put together using just a couple of Angular’s core features. This example leverages basically two basic features of Angular and two HTML5 features to create […]

My Slides from HTML5DevConf, Now with 100% More Browsing (and Photos)

My slides from HTML5DevConf are now up for viewing on Github pages, so you don’t even need to type node web-server.js to view them. There’s one hitch where svgz files aren’t rendering, but I’m not going to worry about that right now. If, in the interim, you really want to see that image, you can […]

Quick Note: I’ve Got a Few Posts on Amazon’s

I’ve written three articles for them. The first two are up now: Recommended HTML5 and Open Web Platform Books In which I recommend books that I think are pretty good for HTML5 and general front end engineering. Spoiler alert! I recommend my own book. I happen to think it’s pretty good so I’m not going […]

Beginning HTML and CSS is O-U-T

I’ve mentioned it on Google+ and Twitter. I should probably mention it here: Beginning HTML and CSS is out. It came out yesterday. Here’s proof: The book looks great. I’m really happy with it. Are there things I wish I could redo? Sure. Of course. But overall, based on what I had to work with […]