Looking For Options to Automate Translations of Front-end-Developer-Interview-Questions

I inherited the Front-end-Developer-Interview-Questions project years ago and while I’ve helped the project improve in a few ways, the project (50,000+ stars!) is not where I’d like it to be. The biggest thing holding it back, right now, is the fact that we are doing manual translations of the questions across 30+ different languages.

I would like to do a nice edit of the project to get the questions more in-line with front end development in 2022, but I’m hesitant to knock the translations even more out of sync. Some of them are 3+ years old and well out of sync.

To that end, I’m looking for suggestions to automate translations. Since this is an open-source project, I’d prefer to use something with a “free for open source” option, but I’m also willing to shell out some money for a commercial project. This will not be high volume.

Any thoughts? I’d like to use GitHub actions to run translations on changes to the question files and then commit them to the `gh-pages` branch. That’s the basic workflow. A SaaS solution would obviously be easiest.

How Did I Miss This?

Apparently, if you make a repo with a name that matches your username, you can add the contents of the associated Readme.md to your public GitHub profile.

Basically, if you create this: roblarsen/roblarsen the contents of https://github.com/roblarsen/roblarsen/blob/main/README.md will be displayed at the top of https://github.com/roblarsen

That’s pretty cool!

I’m Currently Looking For Work and Looking for Open Source Sponsors

It’s been such a short time at my new job I never posted about it here. That didn’t stop me from being laid off ????

So, if you’re looking for a Front-End Architect or Director of Engineering, please let me know.

Anyway, in the tradition of making lemonade from lemons, I finally set up a GitHub sponsors page. If you’d like to support my open source work, that’s where it happens.

main.css v3.0.0 released

main.css version 3.0.0 was just released. It’s actually a small release, but it carries a breaking change so we’ve bumped a major version. Here’s the glorious changelog:

  • Rename sr-only class to visually-hidden (#109)
  • Remove print thead rule (#101)
  • Remove Vendor-prefixed ::selection (#93)
  • Lots of dev dependency and npm publishing updates

There’s more to come as we slowly but surely make our way towards HTML5 Boilerplate v9.0.0

New HTML5 Boilerplate Template Repository

Hey! It’s been a while. Sorry! I’m going to have a lot more content to share over the next few months, so get used to me writing again.

Anyway, we’re in the middle of creating HTML5 Boilerplate 9.0. As part of that release we have created a Github template repository.

As GitHub wrote when they unveiled the feature

Sharing boilerplate code across codebases is a constant pattern in software development. Bootstrapping a new project with our favorite tools and directory structures helps programmers go from idea to “Hello world!” more efficiently and with less manual configuration.

Today, we’re excited to introduce repository templates to make boilerplate code management and distribution a first-class citizen on GitHub. To get started, all you need to do is mark a repository as a template, and you’ll immediately be able to use it to generate new repositories with all of the template repository’s files and folders.

With all the mentions of “boilerplate” it’s like template repos were made for HTML5 Boilerplate. Nice.

Using them is pretty simple.

First, navigate to h5bp/html5-boilerplate-template. Once there, click on the “Use this template”

Next, you add the name you would like to use:

And that’s it. You’ve got a fresh repo with all the files from HTML5 Boilerplate ready to go.

That’s just a taste of the changes on offer. I’ll have more news as we get closer to the final release. I would love to have this release out before 2021 is over. We’ll see!