I Didn’t Realize How Much I Rely on GitHub Codespaces Until This week

How much do I rely on GitHub Codespaces for open source development? Super double-plus much. I can illustrate exactly how much with one short anecdote. Gulp 5 was recently released and I created several PRs across repos in the H5BP organization to update Gulp across the board. I missed one issue with the encoding of […]

Configuration of the HTML5-Boilerplate Git Project and GitHub Repo

This post outlines the configuration of the HTML5-Boilerplate repo as well as the basic process we use to manage the project. As Github has matured as a platform and HTML5 Boilerplate has matured as a project there are a lot of lessons to be learned from the way we run the show here. GitHub configuration […]

How Did I Miss This?

Apparently, if you make a repo with a name that matches your username, you can add the contents of the associated Readme.md to your public GitHub profile. Basically, if you create this: roblarsen/roblarsen the contents of https://github.com/roblarsen/roblarsen/blob/main/README.md will be displayed at the top of https://github.com/roblarsen That’s pretty cool!

New HTML5 Boilerplate Template Repository

Hey! It’s been a while. Sorry! I’m going to have a lot more content to share over the next few months, so get used to me writing again. Anyway, we’re in the middle of creating HTML5 Boilerplate 9.0. As part of that release we have created a Github template repository. As GitHub wrote when they […]

Using Github Actions to Publish the HTML5 Boilerplate npm Package

We just released HTML5 Boilerplate 7.3.0. As part of that release we integrated Github Actions in order to publish our npm package when we cut a Github release. Doing so was pretty easy. This is how I ended up doing it. To start, I enabled Github Actions for the repo. To do so check “Enable […]