Configuration of the HTML5-Boilerplate Git Project and GitHub Repo

This post outlines the configuration of the HTML5-Boilerplate repo as well as the basic process we use to manage the project. As Github has matured as a platform and HTML5 Boilerplate has matured as a project there are a lot of lessons to be learned from the way we run the show here. GitHub configuration […]

Looking For Options to Automate Translations of Front-end-Developer-Interview-Questions

I inherited the Front-end-Developer-Interview-Questions project years ago and while I’ve helped the project improve in a few ways, the project (50,000+ stars!) is not where I’d like it to be. The biggest thing holding it back, right now, is the fact that we are doing manual translations of the questions across 30+ different languages. I […]

How Did I Miss This?

Apparently, if you make a repo with a name that matches your username, you can add the contents of the associated to your public GitHub profile. Basically, if you create this: roblarsen/roblarsen the contents of will be displayed at the top of That’s pretty cool!

I’m Currently Looking For Work and Looking for Open Source Sponsors

It’s been such a short time at my new job I never posted about it here. That didn’t stop me from being laid off ???? So, if you’re looking for a Front-End Architect or Director of Engineering, please let me know. Anyway, in the tradition of making lemonade from lemons, I finally set up a […]

main.css v3.0.0 released

main.css version 3.0.0 was just released. It’s actually a small release, but it carries a breaking change so we’ve bumped a major version. Here’s the glorious changelog: Rename sr-only class to visually-hidden (#109) Remove print thead rule (#101) Remove Vendor-prefixed ::selection (#93) Lots of dev dependency and npm publishing updates There’s more to come as […]