The Project (soon to be) Formerly Known as ng-grid

I’ve go a bunch of small updates to share (and one big one.) I’m starting with this one since it fits with the Angular kick I’ve been on. I’ve recently gotten involved with the ng-grid project housed under the Angular UI banner. We’re using it at work, so it makes sense for me to pitch […]

Easy Autocomplete with the datalist Element, the list Attribute and AngularJS’s ng-repeat Directive

Continuing to write about some Angular features I’ve been working with recently, I thought it would be interesting to show off one of the little conveniences I was able to put together using just a couple of Angular’s core features. This example leverages basically two basic features of Angular and two HTML5 features to create […]

Sorting by Multiple Fields with Different Sort Orders Using the AngularJS orderby Filter

I’m working on a new, interactive, interface to the $100,000 Club dataset I keep on The data deals with the world’s most valuable comic books (those worth more than $100,000) and it’s always just been a static list. Since I’ve started keeping track of that data, the number of entries has steadily grown to […]

Sure, It’s 5 Months Too Late for the Contest, BUT.. I Finally Did Something with the Hubway Data

The Hubway Data Visualization Challenge was a contest run using the data released by the local bike share. I really wanted to do something for the contest and even started a project in October to try to do something with it. You know how that turned out Anyway, between finding myself with a life that […]

Beginning HTML and CSS is O-U-T

I’ve mentioned it on Google+ and Twitter. I should probably mention it here: Beginning HTML and CSS is out. It came out yesterday. Here’s proof: The book looks great. I’m really happy with it. Are there things I wish I could redo? Sure. Of course. But overall, based on what I had to work with […]