Why Do I Like Web Performance? For One Thing, it’s Easier to Measure Success

One of the reasons I’m drawn to the performance side of the business is that it’s one of the few pieces of of your site or application where you can really know when you’re doing the right thing.

There are a lot of questions that can run through your head during a site build. Is the design right? How about the feature set? do these labels make sense? Is the language correct for my audience? Does this visualization truly illustrate the underlying data and add meaning? Was I right to use canvas? Should we be using web storage?

Those (and many other examples) are the things that can (and should) your thoughts. You can leverage experience and best practices throughout, but there are always mistakes, miscommunications and surprises waiting around the corner, so sweating the details of a design or interaction model can make or break an application.

One aspect that brings a little bit of certainty is the question of speed.

The site is either fast, or it isn’t.

There are certainly degrees of “fast,” a full featured application won’t be as fast as Google.com, but once you’ve defined a speed goal there are plenty of ways to know if you’re hitting your marks which makes it a bit more satisfying than the stuff that’s a little more nebulous (or takes a little longer) to measure.

Front End Performance for the Common Man: Practical Strategies to Speed Up Your Site

Front End Performance for the Common Man: Practical Strategies to Speed Up Your Site from rob larsen on Vimeo.

Follow along with the presentation. (PowerPoint presentation)

Here’s the sample ant build script referenced in the deck. (Zip file)

And here’s the article mentioned in one of the early slides:
Why Front End Performance Matters to Everyone, Not Just the High Traffic Giants

Downloads From Last Night’s Presentation

I presented at Bocoup last night. It went really well. As always great people showed up and I think I did okay with my side of the bargain. I shot some video, we’ll see how that turns out. If it’s of reasonable quality I’ll be sure to share.

For anyone interested, here are a couple of downloads from last night.

Here’s the deck.

And this is the sample ant build script referenced in the deck.

I’m going to write up the build script in a little bit more depth some time over the next couple of weeks.

Reminder- I’m Presenting on Front End Performance Next Week (May 19)

I’m in the middle of finishing up my presentation, so I figured I might as well make an effort to get some people to show up to see the results of my hard work 🙂

Here’s the write up:

Front End Performance for the Common Man: Practical Strategies to Speed Up Your Site

Day: Wednesday May 19th 2010
Time: 6:30pm – 8pm
Cost: Free

Rob Larsen will examine the core concepts and techniques behind the performance of the web’s fastest sites and will translate them into practical examples. This talk will cut across several technologies (JavaScript, CSS, Ant, Apache and more) to present a suite of tools any developer can use to speed up their site- no matter the size or budget. RSVP to The Event Page.

It’s going to be a really good talk- full of practical examples and advice for every flavor and level of web developer. You should totally go.

How To Make a Web Site the Modern Way. Part 11: The New HTML5 Elements

I promised one last post on HTML elements. This is it. This one will be a quick tour through some of the new semantic HTML5 elements. I’ve been using them regularly for a while now and I’m still trying to wrap my head around the best way to use some of them (in this, I’m not alone.) Hopefully sharing what I’ve learned will help jump start your own work with the new stuff and will help my clarify my own thoughts on the new elements.

This should really be fun.


This is one of the most straightforward of the new elements. <div id="header"> becomes <header>. Done. When I’ve presented on HTML5 people just nod when I point this element out. Hopefully this one just makes sense.

One experimental note

One thing we’ve been experimenting with at work is using multiple headers on a page. The pattern looks like this:
Continue reading “How To Make a Web Site the Modern Way. Part 11: The New HTML5 Elements”