How To Make a Web Site the Modern Way. Part 7: Best Practices for Lists (UL, OL, DL)

Lists! They might seem boring, but if you look at a lot of site source code (good sites at least,) you’ll see a lot of lists. A lot of obvious content on the net is in the form of lists (which is why there are three separate constructions for them) and a few years ago we started using them for less-obvious, but still valid reasons.

Using Lists as Menus

The biggest, non-obvious, use of lists is for menus. Someone, somewhere, pointed out that menus were just lists of links. Couple that insight with the power of CSS to bend boring old lists to the designer/developer’s will and we had a de-facto standard on our hands.

Here’s what the menu system for looks like. It’s a lot of code, but it’s a fully-realized version of the pattern, so it’s useful to look at in whole. As a note, this is an HTML5 site, so the nav element is in place signifying to browsers that “the following block represents site navigation.” I’ll be covering the new HTML5 elements as the very last post on the body.
Continue reading “How To Make a Web Site the Modern Way. Part 7: Best Practices for Lists (UL, OL, DL)”

A Quick Examination of the Memory and Perfomance Ramifications of CSS Sprite Dimensions

I recently ran into an interesting CSS Sprite. It contains what appears to be all of a web app’s site’s icons. What was interesting was the fact that it’s a 32 Bit PNG at 1500 x 1500 pixels- many of which are empty. Here’s what it looks like shrunk down for easy consumption and the empty space colored pink for emphasis.

As you can see there’s an awful lot of empty space. It’s mostly empty space. Between the huge dimensions and the empty space at how they would affect memory usage and front end performance.

I did a couple of tests. One was looking at the memory footprint of five sample pages in Chrome and the other was measuring download times with WebPageTest.

I’ll go through each of the variations I tried and then we’ll look at the results.

Won’t that be fun?

Continue reading “A Quick Examination of the Memory and Perfomance Ramifications of CSS Sprite Dimensions”

How To Make a Web Site the Modern Way. Part 6: Best Practices for Common HTML Elements (IMG, A)

We’ll finish up our tour of the body tag with several posts featuring general notes about common content elements. I’ll be taking my time with these as getting this stuff right will go a long way towards getting the most out of your site.


On with it then.

Links <a>

The link is the engine of the web. The concept of Hypertext (the H in HTML) itself is expressed in the power of the link. Google is Google because of the power of links. There is no better place to start.

Basic usage

<a href=""  
        title="my personal site" 

Write Good Link Text

For body copy you want to write link text that is descriptive of the link destination. generally this means a short phrase (5-10 words, depending on who you ask) that clearly describes the link. For that reason “click here” is generally not the greatest link text. For a live example and more on this topic take a look at link chapter of the the US Government’s Research-Based Web Design & Usability Guidelines. It’s full of really interesting tips on handling links.

For the SEO-minded, the above advice has the added bonus of generally including keywords which flow link juice and context to the targeted page.
Continue reading “How To Make a Web Site the Modern Way. Part 6: Best Practices for Common HTML Elements (IMG, A)”

Recent Reading (node.js, P3PC, Event Delegation, Twitter)

After relaunching my personal site and realizing all my other sites are in pretty good shape for the first time in forever, I’ve suddenly found myself with plenty of free “tech time” to mess around with whatever I want to mess around with. Which is cool, because, while I appreciate being able to tinker in a very practical manner on production sites and learning from what what works now, I really miss being able to mess around with the newness out there. Sometimes, like with the HTML5 work I’ve been doing, the two can meet, but more often than not the brand new stuff needs to sit on the burner a little bit before it’s ready for prime time.

You’ll see where all of this is going when you see the first topic in this month’s recent reading roundup.
Continue reading “Recent Reading (node.js, P3PC, Event Delegation, Twitter)”

I’m Going to be Speaking on Front End Performance in May

There’s always a slide about performance in my presentations. This time? Every slide will be about performance. I’m chomping at the bit to get started on this one.

The Bocoup guys were crazy enough to invite me down to talk about my favorite topic- front end performance. Here’s the write up:

Front End Performance for the Common Man: Practical Strategies to Speed Up Your Site

Day: Wednesday May 19th 2010
Time: 6:30pm – 8pm
Cost: Free

Rob Larsen will examine the core concepts and techniques behind the performance of the web’s fastest sites and will translate them into practical examples. This talk will cut across several technologies (JavaScript, CSS, Ant, Apache and more) to present a suite of tools any developer can use to speed up their site- no matter the size or budget. RSVP to The Event Page.

It’s going to be a really good talk- full of practical examples and advice for every flavor and level of web developer. You should totally go.

Actually, you should just go to all the Bocoup talks. Smart people talking about killer technology = fun times. I’ll be a regular there.