Reuse and Recycle: A Quick Intro to Microdata

Microdata HTML5 defines a standardized scheme for marking up and retrieving metadata in the body of an HTML document. If you’ve worked with microformats like hCard and hCalendar then microdata will be relatively familiar. The biggest change is the move from the class name hijacking central to microformats to a new itemprop attribute. In addition […]

How To Make a Web Site the Modern Way. Part 6: Best Practices for Common HTML Elements (IMG, A)

We’ll finish up our tour of the body tag with several posts featuring general notes about common content elements. I’ll be taking my time with these as getting this stuff right will go a long way towards getting the most out of your site. Comfy? On with it then. Links <a> The link is the […]

An Update on My URL Shortener

The difference in speed between my day job and the after hours hacking I do is sometimes mind-boggling. My day job is a typical “day job”. Anything of note takes time to happen. I’m cool with that. I’m also cool with what happens at home. Where I can get an idea, hit Google for some […]