H5BP Ant Build Script v1.0 Released

After a year of living as its own repo, contributions from a bunch of people and a flurry of activity from yours truly over the past month*, I just released the 1.0 version of the H5BP Ant Build Script. Download a zip or browse the code on github. Moving to semantic versioning was a good […]

How did the IE Conditional Classes Get on the HTML Element in HTML5 Boilerplate?

Since it comes up from time to time on Github (See #1288 and #1187) and I was involved in part of the discussion I thought I’d try to clarify the timeline and reasoning for the placement of the IE conditional comments in the HTML5 Boilerplate project (and anywhere else that uses the HTML element for […]

I’m Not Dead. I’m Just Resting. Actually, I’m Not Resting. I’m Just Busy.

Hi. Remember me? Me neither. Sorry. I’ve been busy. I’ve got a big project at work that’s taken up a bunch of my time and a new book project has kicked off at the exact same time. Holy cow. Some news. My book with Manning has been canceled. The project had some unforeseen hiccups and […]

Bits and Bobs (Book Updates, the H5BP Ant Build Script, CanvasJS and My First Six Months at Sapient)

Time to share some random updates. Mobile Web App in Practice My Manning book has shifted tracks slightly. It was originally going to be a cookbook. It’s now part of Manning’s In Practice series so the title has changed to reflect that. With that slight adjustment out of the way we’re heading into serious production […]