How To Make a Web Site the Modern Way. Part 7: Best Practices for Lists (UL, OL, DL)

Lists! They might seem boring, but if you look at a lot of site source code (good sites at least,) you’ll see a lot of lists. A lot of obvious content on the net is in the form of lists (which is why there are three separate constructions for them) and a few years ago […]

How To Make a Web Site the Modern Way. Part 6: Best Practices for Common HTML Elements (IMG, A)

We’ll finish up our tour of the body tag with several posts featuring general notes about common content elements. I’ll be taking my time with these as getting this stuff right will go a long way towards getting the most out of your site. Comfy? On with it then. Links <a> The link is the […]

How To Make a Web Site the Modern Way. Part 5: The Body – How To Structure Your Markup

Five posts in and finally we get to the heart of the matter- getting your content onto the page for your users to enjoy. This will be done in two parts. This, the first part, will deal with how to structure your HTML so it makes sense from and organizational standpoint and so that you […]

I’m on TV. WordPress.TV That Is.

You’ve all seen this, but now here it is from the official channel. Speaking of WordPress and HTML5, I’m knee deep in the process of getting relaunched and I’ve been doing the WordPress component for the past few days. It’s super complicated. Which means, of course, I’m having a blast with it 🙂

How To Make a Web Site the Modern Way. Part 2: The Head

Last time out we looked at the Anatomy of a Web Page. Using that, let’s move on and look at the first of the two major sections, the head. For the sake of this blog post, the head includes two pieces of code that are actually before the head. Sue me 🙂 Using the head […]