I read High Performance JavaScript when it came out. It took me a while to write this review.
I’ve been busy (day job x spending a lot of time outside because it’s summer = less time for writing)
Anyway, it’s really good. It’s short, but well-written and focused so it’s an easy book to dive into, digest and integrate into your day-to-day.
One of the things I liked about it is that the topics cover enough ground that even as an experienced/expert developer you can learn some things that you’ve probably never run into in a production environment. Maybe you haven’t dealt with a lot of heavy-duty string manipulation and regular expressions or possibly you haven’t done a ton with build systems. They’re covered here, by experts. You might not be an expert after reading it, but you’ll definitely have enough to go on to start working in some solid enhancements into your own code.
All in all, this is a recommended book for all intermediate to expert JavaScript developers. It will get you thinking about your own code, about convenience and about JavaScript performance in a very fundamental way. That’s good for you, for your users and for the web as a whole.