Check Out My IBM DeveloperWorks Article on Sandboxed Natives, Fusebox, and FuseJS

Summary: The concept of sandboxed natives, which are native JavaScript objects safely enhanced outside of the global namespace, has been circulating for several years. With Fusebox, we have a new, elegant approach to sandboxed natives—one that serves as the foundation for a new library, FuseJS. Read the rest: Sandboxed natives, Fusebox, and FuseJS.

My Intro to HTML5 Boilerplate @ IBM developerWorks + Another Wrinkle on Customizing

I wrote an article about getting started with HTML5 Boilerplate. It’s live at IBM. Check it out: Kick-start your web development with HTML5 Boilerplate. I’ve got some more content coming up on IBM over the next few months on some pretty exciting topics. I’m in the middle of a deadline for one right now, actually… […]

Performance Tip: When Linking to JavaScript on the Google Ajax Library CDN, Use a Specific Version Number

I’ve seen this a few times over the past few months: <script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script> What that basically says to Google is “give me the latest 1.* branch version of jQuery and make sure it’s minified.”

Starter Assets

I just wanted to point folks to the small project I started on Google code- Starter Assets. It’s based on some work I did at Cramer to standardize the development process there. The idea was to provide a standard set of files and a standard file/folder structure for people to start with whenever they were […]

HTML5 + WordPress Resource Links From my WordCamp Boston Presentation

Owing to the contrast on the A/V system, my last slide was illegible, so here are all the links that folks couldn’t see. The presentation itself: HTML5 + WordPress And the resource links: The working group Mark Pilgrim’s HTML5 book Dive into HTML5 The Modernizr library Modernizr The outliner The post talking about […]