H5BP Ant Build Script v1.0 Released

After a year of living as its own repo, contributions from a bunch of people and a flurry of activity from yours truly over the past month*, I just released the 1.0 version of the H5BP Ant Build Script. Download a zip or browse the code on github. Moving to semantic versioning was a good […]

On Interviewing Front End Engineers: Be Prepared (or at Least Pretend You Are.)

On more than one occasion I’ve been interviewed by someone and they’ve told me, point blank, that they “didn’t prepare at all for this” or “didn’t even look at your resume.” Really? While this is lame no matter what industry or role, with front end engineers it’s incredibly frustrating. Throughout the “Ajax era” any other […]

In Cased You Missed It… Isobar Code Standards Updated and Posted to Github

So, as you probably noticed I did a bunch of writing for IBM earlier this year. Because of that I’ve got about a million draft posts here that I’ve got sitting in various states of completion. I’m going to work my way through them over the next few weeks. You’ve been warned (in a good […]

Hiring Front End Engineers: How I Look at a Candidate’s Past Work

The short answer is- I don’t pay all that much attention to the sites listed on a candidate’s resume. Don’t get me wrong, I look at sites and I prefer to see at least three or four examples when doing an evaluation. It’s just that I’m looking at sites mostly to exclude people. We see […]

Another Front End Engineer Interviewing Question: Loop Alternatives

We’ve actually hired a couple of people recently, so I’m not sure if I’ll be able to bust this one out any time soon. Instead, I’ll share it with you. This is another one that I feel works for a lot of different experience and knowledge levels. A good, junior developer should be able to […]