HTML5Boilerplate 0.95 Released. Please Break the Build Script.

The latest version of HTML5 Boilerplate was released and the build script I worked on is included as a beta feature. I’m happy to see it in the wild even though it reminds me that I’ve got a couple of outstanding enhancements I want to take care of at some point (soon? *fingers crossed*) Anyway, […]

Ant. Ant? Really?

Quick, if you were to guess a technology I’d be making commits on an open source project using, would Apache Ant be at the top of the list? I didn’t think so. But yet, here I am committing an Ant Build script to Paul’s excellent HTML5 Boilerplate project. It makes sense since I’ve done work […]

Me, Talking About HTML5, Flash, and the Cloud as Part of the Isobar 50

What’s the Isobar 50? Glad you asked: Got questions? Get answers! Let’s face it. Marketing in the digital age is hard. Where will you put your efforts? How do you know it will pay off? The Isobar 50 is our list of the top 50 challenges that online marketers are grappling with today, and our […]

How To Make a Web Site the Modern Way. Part 11: The New HTML5 Elements

I promised one last post on HTML elements. This is it. This one will be a quick tour through some of the new semantic HTML5 elements. I’ve been using them regularly for a while now and I’m still trying to wrap my head around the best way to use some of them (in this, I’m […]

In Case You Missed It:

I started doing some writing for Isobar/Molecular. My first post: An Introduction to HTML5 HTML5 is the latest version of the language that serves as the foundation of the web. It’s the first major revision in over 10 years and as it’s gotten closer to its final form and more and more browsers begin to […]