If You Want to Share Code, Please Add a License

This has come up a few times recently (example), so I thought I’d point it out here for all the world to see. If you’re sharing code on a blog, Github or anywhere else you think people might find it and want to use it, please license it in some way. If you don’t, it […]

#$#@ It, We’ll Do It Live.

First off, Happy New Year! Second off, I finished my second book. Third off, I’m starting a new job on Monday. More on that later. Teaser? I’ll no longer have to worry about looking too nice at work. Fourth off, I’m going to try to rework all of my sites this year. Oh snap. I’m […]

Goodbye Sapient, Hello… Free Agency?

It’s true. I’m not sure what the next thing is going to be yet, but I’ve given my notice at Sapient. My last day will be the 30th of November. Why? Sapient is an incredible company and the people there are great, but the role wasn’t a great fit with my current interests and long-term […]

Reuse and Recycle: The Mobile Web

Quick! Name two topics that have dominated in technology circles over the past few years. If you said “mobile” and “HTML5,” then you’ve hit the right page on my site. With the incredible growth of the smart phone market, staying abreast of the latest speculation, leaks and reviews of the hottest mobile devices has become […]

I’m Not Dead. I’m Just Resting. Actually, I’m Not Resting. I’m Just Busy.

Hi. Remember me? Me neither. Sorry. I’ve been busy. I’ve got a big project at work that’s taken up a bunch of my time and a new book project has kicked off at the exact same time. Holy cow. Some news. My book with Manning has been canceled. The project had some unforeseen hiccups and […]